AIKIKAI FOUNDATION - Newsletter Archive

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■  The 11th International Aikido Federation Congress         18~23/Sep.  at NYC


new member nations

Doshu seminar

Waka sensei seminar

Tada shihan lecture

Farewell party
The 11th IAF was held in Tokyo (National Olympic Memorial Youth Center, Yoyogi). 40 member nations & regions percitipated in the congress. A record-high of 73 countries and over 600 participants participated in the international seminar from all over the world.  The 12th IAF will be hedl in Japan, again.
 The 80th Anniversary of the Establishment of Aikido Hombu Dojo,
   and the 70th Anniversary of the Accreditaion of the Aikikai Foundation
                         23/Sep. 13:00~15:00   at Keio Plaza Hotel (Concord Ballroom & Eminence Hall)
 Approximately 1,900 Aikidoists and guests from Japan and abroad participated.
*Opening Speech: Mr. S.Koto
*Organizer's Speech: Doshu/ Moriteru Ueshiba
*Congratulatory Speech by Gust of Honor:
      Mr. H.Hirano, Mr. H.Matsunaga and H.E. Dr. V. Stanzel
*Introdction of Guest
*Presentatin of a Letter of appreciation
*Toast: Tada shihan 〜〜〜 Party 〜〜〜
*Closing Speec
h: Waka sensei

 Award of Medal of Honour to Doshu by UPV                   06/Nov.  at Valencia, Spain
- The UPV honorary medal awarded to the Aikido doshu, Moriteru Ueshiba at 12:00 at the UVP Auditium.
Doshu gave a lecture and demostrations on the same day at Alfons Roigauditoriumof the Faculty of Fine Arts at the UPV(the Polytechnic University of Valencia)

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Aikikai Foundation, Aikido World Headquarters
17-18 Wakamatsu Cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0056 Japan
TEL: (+81) 3-3203-9236, FAX: (+81) 3-3204-8145
Email: [email protected]